
Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Read-A-Thon Book Character Dress-up Day

We had an amazing book character dress-up day at school today to finish off our read-a-thon. 
Here are a few interesting characters from Room 6...

Where's Wally? I hear you ask...well, he's right here

Matilda (from Matilda) and Paulina (from the Thea Stilton series)

Aldwyn (from The Familiars)

Jared and Simon Grace (from The Spiderwick Chronicles)

Three Hermione Grangers (from the Harry Potter series)

Leopard (from The Leopard and the Mouse) 
and Cruella de Ville (from 101 Dalmatians)

First Mate and Captain Hook (from Jake and the Neverland Pirates)


Some non-fiction sports heroes...Kelly Slater, Jonathan Spector, Dan Carter and Philippe Coutinho

Bob (from The Billionaire Boy)

Mr Grin (from the Alex Rider series) and Zac Power

Percy Jackson and Annabeth (from the Percy Jackson series)

Cat Campbell (from The Courage of Cat Campbell)

Even the senior teachers got in on the act...with a particularly Dr Seuss-ish theme

The Grinch, Cindy-Lou Who, the Lorax, the Cat in the Hat, Thing 1 and Thing 2

Thursday, 8 September 2016

A Feast of Visual Language

Earlier this term we were looking at a variety of poems including couplets, quatrains, haiku, cinquain, acrostic and diamante poems. Along with these we wrote a poem entitled 'How to Eat a Poem'. We brainstormed words that related to eating (gobble, chomp, slurp), as well as features we might find in poetic writing (similes, conjunctions, alliteration) then created our own poems. To present our writing we thought about a food or drink item and constructed a collage to compliment our writing. Here are a few examples (come and check out the rest in Room 6)


Monday, 5 September 2016

VAS Cross Country Race

Today we had our annual cross country. Students in Room 6 have been practising for this event during fitness sessions with pleasing results. Included in the top ten competitors were...

For the girls:
Sasha (7th place)

...and for the boys:

Kaiu (6th)
Benicio (7th)
Hudson (10th)

Congratulations to these runners and well done to EVERYONE who competed and tried their best.