
Sunday, 28 May 2017

Year 5 Camp!!!

We have all had such a fun experience at Camp MERC during Week 3. Students from Room 4, Room 5 and Room 6 learned more about survival skills and life around the rocky shore as well as facing challenges (some with heights involved!) and trying new things. Activities included archery, wall climb, abseiling, giant ladder climb, and slingshot. Here are a few photographic highlights...

Group 4 during Adventure Based Education games
Group 6 ready to begin the wall climb
Group 3 at archery
Lucas ready to fire
Scarlett aiming for the target
Group 1 at the wall climb
Group 7 about to head off to archery
Nick enjoying the food
Mia (from Room 4) helping Luca atop the giant ladder
Ginny survived her abseil
Sam, Evie (from Room 4) and Olivia spotting at the giant ladder
Louis about to climb the wall
Isla abseiling
Adam just hanging around

Filip (from Room 4) Olive and Cooper spotting at the wall climb
Zach, Harriet and Isla ready to where you're aiming!
Lucas begins his ascent
Ginny and Harriet about to climb
Jonas (from Room 4)  and Grace (not nervous at all)
Isla and Scarlett aiming the slingshots
Natalie reaching the top of the climbing wall
Group 8 prepared for the rain
Nick descending the abseiling wall
Exploring the rocky shore creatures catalogue before heading out explore the rocky shore
Oscar ready to abseil the wall
Oscar aiming the slingshot
Group 2 ready for abseiling
Isla, Harriet and Zach at the wall climb
Scarlett abseiling
Aidan and Olivia about to begin the giant ladder climb
Putri...another satisfied customer