
Monday, 27 February 2017


This term our strand focus is Statistics. We have been looking at different ways of gathering and presenting information from statistical investigations. 
Here are some of our results...

We made a whole class picture graph to represent our birthdays then made some statements about the results. Following that we carried out our own individual investigations and presented the findings on a bar graph or a pie graph (using the 'Create a Graph' program). They look spectacular!

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Class Treaty 2017

We have been looking at the Treaty of Waitangi, along with our school values and learning behaviours, and we collaborated on a class treaty based on the areas of respect and responsibility. Here is the result...

Respect for Ourselves
Manage my impulses                              Use self control
Use my common sense                           Stand up for myself
Take care of my belongings                    Manage my time
Be a positive thinker                              Keep my work tidy
Try my best always                                 Learn from my mistakes
Try again if it doesn’t work the first time
Respect for Others
Let others go first                             Minimise distractions
Compliment others                           Stand up for others
Use my manners                               Use appropriate language
Be kind, caring and helpful    Be encouraging
Include others                                  Make new people feel welcome
Take care of other people’s belongings
Responsibility for our Actions
Admit my mistakes and try to fix them        Be honest
Think before I act or speak                          Apologise when needed
Do what I say I’m going to do                       Try to stay on task
Help keep the school clean and tidy       Do the right thing

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Welcome to 2017!!!

Here we are...Room 6

We're off to a great start so far this year. It's Week 3 already and Room 6 has been buzzing with learning. We have been discussing our school values (honest, caring and responsible learners) and the learning behaviours that will help us grow (being curious, creative, collaborative, reflective, risk-takers). Today we brainstormed ideas for how we might demonstrate each of these and came up with some fantastic results. 
Check them out...

We chose a learning behaviour to start at, collaborated to record ideas, and moved around to a new page every few minutes to add to the ideas of others...

And here are our ideas...

How awesome!!!

I can already tell we will be developing and improving our learning skills 
throughout the year.